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Engineering Academy

Texas A&M Engineering Academy at Alamo Colleges District - Northeast Lakeview College

Engineering Brighter Futures

Get a head start on your Texas A&M engineering degree by applying for the Texas A&M- Engineering Academy at the Alamo Colleges District – Northeast Lakeview College. Offered in partnership with Texas A&M University’s College of Engineering, this unique program offers students an opportunity to pursue an engineering degree while co-enrolled at Texas A&M and the Alamo Colleges District. Students are able to save money during their first two years – when they will take engineering courses taught by Texas A&M faculty at Northeast Lakeview College before transitioning to the Texas A&M campus in College Station. The Texas Workforce Commission projects a 25 percent growth in engineering jobs statewide in the next decade.

Enrollment in the Academy

The Engineering Academy at Alamo Colleges District - Northeast Lakeview College is for Alamo Colleges District students who have achieved a high school diploma or equivalent and are pre-calculus or calculus ready as determined by NLC.

Interested students must:

  • Be able to maintain full-time student status each semester at the Alamo Colleges for at least one year before transitioning to A&M.
  • Satisfy one of the math readiness criteria to be qualified for the Engineering Academy:
    • COLLEGE CREDIT: Your current college transcripts show credit for College Algebra, Trigonometry, Precalculus, or Calculus I with a grade of A, B, or C
    • HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT: If you are a current high school student and have completed Algebra II, Honors Precalculus, Pre-Ap Precalculus, or AP Calculus course with a grade of A, B, or C.
    • STANDARD EXAMINATION: Have an ACT math score of at least 26 or an SAT math score of at least 581.

Steps to Apply:

Alamo Colleges will provide pre-qualified students the link to the Texas A&M Engineering Academy Application. Successful applicants will receive an offer of admission from Texas A&M University to the Engineering Academy at Alamo Colleges District. They will be advised on how to accept the offer and register for courses.

Note: New NLC students must take the SAT or ACT prior to applying to Texas A&M University.

Why the Academy?

The Texas A&M- Engineering Academy offers students:

  • Admission to the College of Engineering at Texas A&M University-College Station from day one.
  • An opportunity to take Texas A&M engineering courses from Texas A&M faculty on the NLC campus.
  • An opportunity to join a community of Engineering Academy peers by taking math, science, and engineering courses with other Engineering Academy students.
  • An opportunity to participate in student activities and organizations at both institutions to the extent possible.
  • An affordable pathway to earning a Texas A&M engineering degree.
  • Guaranteed full admission to Texas A&M upon successful completion of the two-year program.
  • An opportunity to apply for early entry into a degree-granting major within the College of Engineering at Texas A&M, if qualified.

Financial Aid Information

To receive financial aid students must:

AlamoPROMISE does not cover the cost of courses taken from Texas A&M University-College Station.  

Veteran Services          

Students utilizing veteran benefits are encouraged to visit the Veterans Center (STCM 111) as veteran payments or hours taken with Texas A&M University may not qualify for certification for veteran services.

Important Dates

View Academic Calendar by clicking here

  • October 15: Alamo Colleges Summer & Fall 2022 Apply Texas application opens
  • Dec. 1: A&M application opens
  • April 1: A&M priority deadline
  • May: Engineering Academy priority Registration/Orientation begins
  • June 1: A&M final application deadline
  • June: Deadline to complete and submit pending enrollment requirements (NLC & A&M)
  • August: Fall classes begin (all courses will meet face-to-face)

*Students are co-enrolled and are required to complete enrollment requirements for both Texas A&M University and Alamo Colleges.

*Seats in the cohort are reserved at Northeast Lakeview College to include math, science, and engineering courses.

Visit Texas A&M Engineering Academies for more information.

FAQ: A&M - Engineering Academy